Sunday, December 6, 2009

MUSE Workshop #1

When looking at the list of MUSE workshops this semester, I looked for the ones I felt I needed or would help me the most. After skimming through the list, I found a workshop almost made for me: The ABC's of Self-Esteem.
The first point of the workshop was to truly define and identify what self esteem is and where to get. Self-esteem is a stable sense of self-worth. Most people think sources of self esteem are things like physical attractivenes and academic competency. The problem with these sources is that they are based on what others think and not your actual accomplishments/contributions. A few ways to increase your self-esteem is to not compare yourself to others as much as possible, respect yourself (don't say things to yourself that you wouldn't say to others), and focus on the effort you made.
Overall, I enjoyed this workshop and truly learned new skills. After this, I felt that I had gained new tools to improve my seemingly low self-esteem. I highly recommend this and I hope that this will be available next fall semester for others who may need this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad this workshop was helpful.